We watched the world wide broadcast with president during our meeting and it was super cool. Our schedule was changed so we can make our own schedule based on our sector and also do what we feel is the most efficient in our sector. I am doing super well and am excited for this next week to get changes.... well actually i got a new companion Elder CaƱete from argentina but he is only going to be with me for a week and is than going to finish his last 6 weeks training in a different sector. He used to be secretary but is now the zone leader which is super awesome and i am learning a lot from him.
Here it has been raining alot and flooding the streets. My shoes were wet for two days until I learned if you put them behind the fridge they dry up in a couple hours. This week was just doing lots of the normal stuff. Also our phone is now broken so we have to use pay phones which costs a lot more than having a cellphone. It rains all the time here. All the investigators are doing good and are progressing and we should be able to baptize alot in the coming months.
Oh i forgot we were eating lunch in a restaurant friday and a homeless kid asked for food so i invited him to sit by us and gave him half of my plate.... i guess i did do service but didnt remember.
My week was pretty cool.... the chapel got flooded so my companion and i had to clean it. The baptism got canceled saturday because the uncle had to work so we decided to do it 7amsunday hahaha.
its pretty nice here.... encocado of shrimp and calamary for lunch..... i like the food here hahaha. We have rice here everyday, i can make rice super good though.... mayo and ketchup.
I got a package in the mail from Grandma Sheri, it was so awesome
and I really appreciated it.
When we went to do our baptisms on Saturday, the Church was flooded.
I am doing Great. My week was alright we had to cancel some baptisms but we should be able to have them this week. I am super excited for the baptisms next Saturday. I got a package from Grandma Sheri. It was really nice of her. My hands are still the same and it hasnt changed.
I am doing good. My sector is Propicia 1 my companion is Elder Puertas from Peru. This sector is super easy to memorize which is good and also the members always help with lessons which is something new for me to have members who actually help us. My hands are the same. they are just different colored and it doesnt itch or bother me at all. New years was alright, everyone was burning stuff in the street and from 6pm until..... well its still going on but there has been non stop super loud music from like 10 houses right next to ours so there is no sleeping. oh Tuesday last week i left Coca 6:30 am and got to my sector at 10:00 pm. My companion is pretty cool he has about 7 months in the mission which is good because he still is super excited to be able to meet new people everyday and really wants to work hard.
No these are the tiny ones... and i am not joking they are sometimes two storys tall. They lite these on fire during New years eve.